Thursday, May 24, 2012

Testing Testing 1.2.3

A teacher's quest for balance.... ok what does that exactly mean you may be wondering?  Well, I have taught going on 7 years now and love my profession.  With layoffs, district moves, changing grade levels a few times I have, definitely, at times,  got caught up in the stressors that can be in this profession.  Late nights planning curriculum, handfuls of goldfish crackers at recess, putting off exercise to collapse in front of the tv and veg.  I always put in a good effort.  I am the best at buying and subscribing to many health magazines, my pinterest page is loaded with ideas on how to be fit, and I have grand plans of reaching my goal weight, but I never really quite get to where I want to be.  I have come to terms with the fact that job stressors will always be there, and it is in a teacher's makeup to put everyone else's needs before their own, but I still like to think that the quest for balance could be worthwhile and achievable in small manageable steps and small victories.  I would love to have a place to share my struggles and success as well as hear yours.  And balance to me is more than just loosing weight; balance to me  is mental health, taking time for hobbies, friends, watching tv, reading a book, crafting, etc.  So this is where that magic will happen!  I may post healthy meals I make or have, outfit ideas, host a book club, share party ideas, progress enhancing my very tiny garden, and just update you on this teacher's quest for balance.  Please come along and together maybe we can encourage each other to get healthy in all areas of our life!  And let's face it, our students look up to us.   If we have energy, glow, laugh, they pick up on it and learn from it; this alone should be motivation!

My first question I pose to you----- what are your summer healthy lifestyle goals?  Let's discuss...

1 comment:

  1. I want to make me sleep more though I always think it's a waste of time.
    My sleeping habits now are crazy,would like to relax in summer,go out at the weekends which I don't normally do,walk more and keep jumping a rope which I found quite an easy and healthy and cheap exercise:)

    Enjoy Teaching English
